Mandatory Public Disclosure

R R M College
This Section Showcases all the Necessary and Vital Documents for Preview and Download for Parents or School Boards

MSS Certificate

Certificate of Matribhoomi Seva Sansthan

smc image docs
academic calandar

School Annual Planner

Annual Planner for Session 2021-22

School Fees Structure

Fees Structure for Session 2021-22

fees structure 1
bldg safety 2

Building Safety Certificate

Building safety Certificate of the R R Mission College Campus

Land Certificate

View R R Mission College Land Certificate

land certificate

Fire NOC Certificate

Fire NOC Certificate of the R R Mission College Campus

fire safety
health n sanitation

Health & Sanitation Certificate

Health & Sanitation Certificate of the R R Mission College Campus and its facilities

BSA Recognition Letter

Recognition Letter Provided by BSA Office for R R Mission College 

recognition letter
society certificate

Society Certificate

Society Registration Certificate for R R Mission College 

State NOC for Affiliation

State Noc Certificate Approved by State Office for CBSE Affliation

no objection cert